We live in a time of constant progression. Rarely does a day go by without mention of a brand-new technology that promises to enhance our lives and help us stride confidently into the future.
However, such development often fails to take into consideration nostalgia, reminiscence, and a love for times gone by. With eyes fixed so firmly on tomorrow, technology giants have a habit of ignoring the past. And, while progression is of course eternally necessary, it is well worth remembering that the word ‘past’ is not necessarily synonymous with ‘worse’. And nowhere is this truer than in the world of technological advancement.

Updating the Old
When it comes to technology and growth, companies tend only to think about the next big thing. What products can they create that will improve upon what already exists, and will therefore compel us to delve deep into our pockets and hand over even more of our well-earned cash?
However, while this constant forward march showcases the ingenuity of humans and the lengths we will go to in order to produce new and exciting products, it also results in companies being guilty of neglecting technologies they deem to be outdated. VHS is a particularly strong example of this.
Recalling Memories
In the ‘80s and ‘90s, video recorders were a big deal, and filming an event – a birthday or retirement party, for example – was a task carried out diligently and earnestly. Nowadays, with almost everyone having access to a mobile phone equipped with a camera, this art of video production has largely been lost.
We have come to accept mediocrity when it comes to homemade footage, whereas once we took pride in how such videos were shot. And, because VHS players have now been labelled with the ‘antique’ tag, these videos – expressions of joy, love, loss, and everything in between – have been declared redundant, despite the fact that they contain priceless memories and moments.
Luckily, that’s where we come in.
Do you have a VHS that you’re dying to watch again, but no longer own a VHS player? Was your wedding video recorded on old technology, and you’d like to transfer it to DVD? Would you like to create copies of a VHS for your friends and family? If so, you’ve come to the right place.
To find out more about how we can help you transfer VHS to DVD, and for any job large or small, get in touch. We can be reached by email via [[email protected]], or by calling 0800 592 433.